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HySTAR™ HyVIEW™ The CH2IP Station Enter HyVIEW™ Simulation


HySTAR™ is a comprehensive set of tools for analysis, assessment and training for a broad audience of users involved in the safety of hydrogen systems.

Through HyVIEW™ its Web-based Hydrogen Virtual Interactive Expert Workplace, HySTAR™ provides four expert tools:

HyQuantRA™ the Hydrogen Quantitative Risk Assessment program.
HyCASE™ the Hydrogen Codes and Standards Expert to identify the Codes and Standards requirements for hydrogen facilities and components.
HyPOST™ Hydrogen Public Officials Safety Training for first responders and permitting authorities.
HySCAPE™ Hydrogen Siting Compliance and Planning Expert.

Of these HyVIEW™ and HyCASE™ are deployed on the web. HyVIEW™ has components for building flexible scenes for hydrogen fueling stations and integrates to identify applicable codes and Standards. You can access HyVIEW™ at the second tab above. The others are currently works in progress.